Browse Articles By Tag: chinese medicine
The mere presence of a plethora of drugs designed to alternate wake up and put to sleep those who would purchase them will tip you off to the fact that as a society the idea of restful sleep and productive waking hours a thing of the past. (...)
16.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
What springs to mind first when you think about Chinese medicine? Is it the acupuncture needle? Do you envision the dark herbalist shop that is little more than a hole in the wall? Do you recall the many television specials that speak of the destructive practices...
15.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
In the wake of the recent carbohydrate mania most everyone in America is only too familiar with the notion of bad and good carbs, which pairings lead to adverse dieting results and which support your weight loss goals. (...)
14.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Chinese medicine is known as a mix of art, spirituality and science that evolved over hundreds of years. Perhaps this is the reason that this collection of knowledge is so mystifying to Westerners who have all but forgotten what was once known as the wise women who...
13.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Among the many alternative forms of medicine gaining popularity in the Western world, Chinese medicine is by far the fastest growing one. The theory behind this century old practice rests on the utter interconnectivity of mind and body. (...)
13.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Choosing a practitioner of Chinese medicine is not as easy as it sounds. Regulatory bodies – albeit working hard to enforce rules and regulations – have not been successful in stemming the tide of frauds and self proclaimed healers. (...)
11.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Have you ever wondered why so many youngsters these days seem to have more than enough piercing on and around their ears to hold up your average household shower-curtain? A tongue in check response may claim that they are trying to kick the tobacco habit or stop...
10.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Unlike modern Western medicine that revels in the ability of drug companies and research firms to find medicinal cures and treatments for a plethora of ailments in time spans commonly measured in fiscal quarters, Chinese medicine capitalizes on millennia of tradition. (...)
10.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Many treatments found within the modalities of Chinese medicine date back to dubious lore which quite often makes for great story telling but by and large is not always as reliable as a historic source ought to be. (...)
10.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
No other animal is as closely knit to the lore of Chinese medicine as the tiger. As a matter of fact, tigers by and large are now considered to be endangered. Even though it is the largest wild cat and truly has not predators and natural enemies other than man, the...
09.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
In the Western world, Chinese medicine is a bit of an enigma. Surrounded by lore, frequently imbued with mystical powers – usually at the behest of the Hollywood producers – and sometimes utilized to make the squeamish squirm, it is the kind of practice that has...
09.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
At face value, the question of whether treating the elderly with Chinese medicine is a good idea or not is odd, especially considering that for thousands of years the elderly, the middle aged, the young, and the very young were treated and treated themselves with just...
08.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on centuries of mapping out the subtle underlying networks that comprise the human body. There are systems that are obvious like the nervous system, the respiratory system, the endocrine system, the circulatory system and the...
08.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
Schisandra fruit is commonly used berry in Chinese medicine. Shade loving and easy to find, these berries have an interesting flavor property: at the same time, they taste sweet and salty, sour and bitter. (...)
07.02.2013 · From TheAuthor
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